
Running the program

Find the Batch Client program, AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe, by navigating to the Absyntax installation directory using your preferred method.  (In Windows, use either a command line window or the Windows/File Explorer.)  Then run it: you will see the following window.
Running the program
This window displays the Batch Client's command-line usage options for executing an Absyntax project.  As a minimum you must specify the full path of the file containing the project to be executed.  For example:
AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe C:\Projects\Fibonacci.apj


For projects whose Entry input requires data you must qualify the command with the /data option.  For example:
AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe C:\Projects\TwitterSearch.apj /data=Madrid
Note that this will only work if the data ("Madrid", in this case) can be converted by Absyntax from a string into the type of data required by the project's entry-point.  Here's another example, showing one way of supplying multiple data items.
AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe C:\Projects\Sort.apj /data=46,-1,999
For the final word on data formatting options, see here.


By default, the Batch Client delegates the task of project execution to an in-process service that it creates itself.  However, it is possible to redirect the Batch Client to use an external service instead, typically on another computer, and this is achieved by providing a value for the /endpoint command line option.  (Note that such external services are usually hosted by the Absyntax Runtime Server.)
The value assigned by this option is the name of an endpoint whose characteristics are defined in the configuration file, "AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe.config".  An endpoint encapsulates the details necessary for the Batch Client to communicate with the service.  In order to use this option effectively you should have a working knowledge of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
The section of relevance in the configuration file is shown below.
<endpoint name="NetNamedPipeBinding_IBasicProjectService" ... />
<endpoint name="NetTcpBinding_IBasicProjectService" ... />
Typically you would create a client endpoint in this section, with an address, binding and contract to match those exposed by the target service.


If you need to ensure that a project should be executed only if its signature matches a known value, you include a value for the /signature command line option, an example of which follows.
AbsyntaxBatchClient.exe C:\Projects\Fibonacci.apj /signature=2F-40-F2-BA-68-02-8D-30-78-FA-85-82-97-51-8C-84
The value you use for the signature can be obtained via the Absyntax Editor's Project Settings page.