The Standard toolbar provides convenient access to the most common operations and actions.
The Tools toolbar is used to determine the currently selected design surface tool.
The Edit toolbar provides convenient access to common design surface operations and actions.
The Runtime toolbar is used to execute and debug the current project interactively.
The Filter toolbar is used to manage Filter Builder operations, typically on behalf of features and other components that make use of Boolean expressions.
The Lookup Table toolbar provides convenient access to common Lookup Table Editor operations and actions, typically on behalf of features that consume lookup tables.
The Node Hierarchy toolbar facilitates the positioning of hierarchical components in contexts that support such operations.
The Feature Tray contains the templates from which all of a project's features are created.
The Properties panel displays the state of the selected object or objects.
The Connector Tray contains templates of connectors that you use to define the inputs and outputs of configurable feature groups.
The Bird's Eye View displays the entire content of the currently active view. Positioned on top is a semi-opaque thumbnail representing the extent of the current viewport. Drag the thumbnail around to change the position of the viewport relative to the entire content.
This panel is useful if your view contains a lot of features and you are zoomed into a relatively small area of the view. To show it, select View → Bird's Eye View from the menu bar.
The Breakpoints panel allows you to manage the way in which threads are interrupted during project execution.
The Runtime Data panel allows you to explore your project's data during execution.
The Connection Manager allows you to visualise and maintain connections between features' inputs and outputs.
The Log File Listing provides easy access to Absyntax's runtime log files.
The Find Results panel is shown automatically every time you perform a find operation.
The Re-entrant Path Summary highlights feature interconnections that may cause your project to fail.
The Configuration Manager highlights services that your projects requires that require additional information in order to operate correctly.
The Filter Tray contains templates for filter elements and groups, which may combined in the Filter Builder to create composite filters.
The Composite Filter Cache contains your saved composite filters.