A project declares zero or more "parameters", these being preset values that the project's various features can use on demand. Such parameters are expressed by the
EditableGate feature, and the inclusion of an EditableGate instance in a project is equivalent to the inclusion of a parameter.
A parameter is deemed to belong to its first parent project. Thus the root project and every project instance nested therein may each declare parameters. In this way a project is considered to be a "source" of parameters. The Project Parameters panel makes use of this when displaying collections of parameters.
Parameters have names and values, and the EditableGate feature supports this paradigm. The Project Parameters panel makes it easy to manage parameter attributes in one place. Furthermore, parameters may be harnessed by other features (namely the ParameterInitialiser and the ParametersPrompt) to perform parameter-driven operations at runtime.
The Project Parameters panel is shown by selecting
View → Project Parameters from the menu bar or by clicking the Project Parameters button in the
Standard toolbar.
The toolbar supports actions in respect of the parameter list.
Source parameter list
Displays the list of parameters found for the currently selected source.
Use this field to assign a name to each parameter.
Use this field to assign a description to each parameter. The description will help users to understand the purpose of the parameter.
Use this field to assign a value to each parameter.
Use this field to indicate whether a parameter is to be exposed at runtime via the ParametersPrompt feature.
Use this field to apply constraints to the value of any parameter. At runtime, if the user is prompted to override parameter values via the ParametersPrompt feature, all constrained parameters' values must satisfy their constraints before the overridden values will be accepted.