
Warnings and Errors

The following table explains some of the warning and error messages that may appear in the output panel of an execution item.
The project has aborted.
This indicates that you aborted the project while it was being invoked.
The project has aborted.
The operation has timed out.
This indicates that the project invocation rule's time limit has been exceeded, resulting in the project being aborted by the Absyntax Excel Add-in.  It may be that insufficient time has been allocated to the operation.  Alternatively there may be a problem with the project's design: you should ensure that all of the project's execution paths result in its exit-point being signalled.
Failed to write output data to [sheet]![range].
This indicates either that the invoked project returned a data item of a type unrecognised by Microsoft Excel, or that there was insufficient space in the target worksheet in which to write all the returned data.
If an unrecognised data type is the problem, change the project so that it emits only Microsoft Excel-compatible data (refer to the section on data conversion).  Otherwise, change the output data range so that it is further away from either the rightmost or bottommost edge of the target worksheet (in accordance with the project invocation rule's output range order).
The project has ended.
This typically indicates that, as part of an invocation, a project required loading but was aborted before it could be invoked.
Absyntax considers an abort request as a request to unload a loaded project.  If a project is not actually being invoked at the time the unload request is received then no "aborted" message is issued.
The project failed to start because required startup data was not supplied.
This indicates that either the associated project invocation rule's Input check box is unchecked or the input data range identifies a single cell whose value is empty.
The project failed to start because the startup data could not be converted to the type required by the project's entry point.
Refer to the sections describing data handling and data conversion.
The byte source could not be deserialised.
When Absyntax is attempting to load a project, this indicates one of the following problems:
  • the target project file is not an Absyntax project file;
  • the target project file contains a version of an Absyntax project that is no longer supported;
  • the target project file contains references to types that cannot be found in the Absyntax framework.
The last of these may indicate a missing Absyntax add-in (not to be confused with a Microsoft Excel add-in).  You should contact the project's owner to find out whether the project uses Absyntax add-ins and, if it does, ensure that these add-ins are available to Absyntax by locating them in the Absyntax installation directory's AddIns sub-folder.
The communication channel to the service host has faulted.
This indicates that the Absyntax host process has closed unexpectedly.  It is designed to restart in such circumstances, but you may need to wait a few seconds before being able to execute another run.
The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.
See above.