
Anatomy of an execution item

Anatomy of an execution item

Project file path

1. Project file path
Shows the full file path of the file containing the target Absyntax project.

Status indicator

2. Status indicator
Indicates the state of the execution item.  The symbol shown indicates that invocation of the target project has started and has not yet finished.  Other symbols are:
Indicates that a project will not be invoked because the associated project invocation rule is either disabled or invalid.
Indicates that a project is awaiting invocation.
Indicates that a project was invoked successfully.
Indicates any of the following:
  • invocation timed out before the project was able to signal its exit-point;
  • invocation was aborted;
  • a project was invoked successfully but not all of its output data could be written to the target Microsoft Excel worksheet (because either the output data included an item of a type that Microsoft Excel did not recognise or because there was insufficient room in the worksheet).
Indicates that an attempt was made to invoke a project but errors occurred during the operation such as:
  • Absyntax could not load the target project;
  • required input data was missing;
  • there was a problem converting the supplied input data.

Output panel

3. Output panel
Displays all output messages received from the target project, together with any messages issued by the Absyntax Excel Add-in for information.