Installation and Licence Activation
Download the zip file containing the latest add-in version from the Absyntax
Unzip the contained files to a convenient location.
Double-click setup.exe to begin the installation.
Follow the step-by-step guide. If prompted by a User Account Control dialogue, answer Yes.
Once the Absyntax Excel Add-in and, if necessary, the Absyntax framework have been installed you will firstly need to ensure that an activated Absyntax licence is available. Start the Absyntax Licence Manager. A desktop shortcut may exist for this. Alternatively, from the Start menu select All Programs → MII Ltd → Absyntax Licence Manager or open the Absyntax framework's installation directory and run AbsyntaxLicenceManager.exe. Note: you must be connected to the internet in order to activate licences.
If you have purchased a licence then enter the purchased licence key and the name of the licensee you specified during the purchase process; then click Add.
Activate your purchased licence or, if you do not have one, activate the trial licence that was included with the installation.
Other, less common licensing scenarios are not discussed here. For a full appreciation of all Absyntax licensing options please refer to the
Absyntax Framework User Guide.